
's-Hertogenbosch June 2024

  I came to Den Bosch for the Bosch Parade.  I don't think one can understand the parade without understanding the town, and vice versa. The experience deserves a post all of its own, so  I will do this in two linked posts. This is not some of my best photography, but the experience was one that I wanted to share. As usual, I fight to make Blogger behave. Perhaps in the next few years we might make a meet up trip for Den Bosch and the parade.  Contact me if you might be interested. First off, the name.  's-Hertogenbosch or Den Bosch. Just accept that how ever you say it you are gonna  be wrong. The Dutch language, along with the Dutch mind set, is totally inexplicable and unexplainable, and totally charming. Like wise "Holland" or "Netherlands" is going to trip you up.  Both words describe the same place, but have subtle differences that really don't matter much, except to those people that it does but don't worry yourself about it The town goes by
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