I will begin as the voyage begins with Drake Passage. This passages has two settings one involves sea sick meds, learning how to wedge oneself into bed, how not to smash fingers in doors. The other is Drake Lake. There is nothing in between. We did the crossing in a day and a half rather than the usual two.
There were bulletin boards with all sorts of info. This was our daily recap and update.
The first mandatory meeting included stuff on ship life. We were divided into 4 groups so only about 25 were preparing for an excursion at a time. Downstairs we went with our group to have our clothing and other gear prepped for landings. Biosecurity is a big, big deal. Avian flu will come here eventually. There is a big push to make sure that humans, especially touring humans, are not a vector to spread the virus. So we are taught to do boot cleaning, sanitary dip, walking pole dip as well.
We were issued our loaner boots, and assigned our bench/hook space.
Some one pointed out that I was the first off of the first zodiac on the first landing. I didn't plan it, but it just happened.
Look at how grey the day is. Yet it is the same landing. Weather changes here rapidly. Each landing is prepared by the expedition staff. They lay out the allowed paths. This is for biosecurity as well as to keep us from falling into unexpected holes, crevasses, and such. They also set out plastic barrels of supplies should we get cut off from the ship by sudden weather shifts.
Chinstrap Penguin
This lichen is millennia old. Because of the extreme cold, it grows so very slowly.
The brilliant orange against the blues, greys, and snow.
On the beach awaiting the zodiac for return to ship.
This starfish could fit on a quarter (or pound coin.)
This photo shows my incredible self discipline. I did not put it in my pocket.
Yes, dinner did look this good every night. I was impressed by the origami orange.
By the end of the trip I offered to marry the head chef.
I somehow started getting these tags in my photos. so you may see them over the next couple of days.
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