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A Roman Villa, in Somerset


What do you do when you are building a fancy model farm in Somerset, and you find the bones of a Roman Villa? Well when money is not an issue, you do what was done at The Newt. I have brought you here before.  
A couple of very successful business people from South Africa decided to build a hotel and a model farm, and a cidery.  Their story, told here told here, is a good one for what rich people should do with their money. (Sidebar here, I am tired of people whining about what rich people spend their money on, preferring to tell the good things that other ones do.)

In all of the mucking about, they came on a beautifully preserved archeological site. Trained archeologists were brought in, and a proper dig was done. When they hit a point where it appears that all could be gained was done, they covered it back over carefully and built a replica.  Above you can see a small bit of the foundations that they left uncovered and built a stunning museum over the top. You can actually walk "on" the dig.
The fully immersive displays are well done.  You know I love a well done museum display.
I took far too many photos. I made comment on a few of them, but mostly just photos that I thought would be interesting to my re-enactment friends.

I find it interesting that none of this is featured on The Newt's web site. null

A wax tablet

This is a wet, windy part of the world.  They have done a great job of letting you be outside without getting wet.  Notice the map at the base of the window.  This is a map/timeline that one can touch and explore.  Note those black benches outside.  These mark the foundations that have been buried. 

I liked the way that they had depictions, actual objects, and touchable replicas.
Something for all levels of scholarship.

Not a great photo, but this is the place to go if you have an interest
in Roman tile.




I own a piece of Roman Glass.
Here is what you can do when you have hundreds of pieces of Roman Glass.

As you leave the museum proper, you come on a display of the different materials they used to recreate the villa in as true to form way as possible.

Every surface needed to be researched and recreated.

A mill stone set into a cross roads

The villa itself is stunning.


Kitchen Gardens

This room would have been for the equivalent of the ranch foreman.

Note the basketry over some of the plants
And no tomatoes or potatoes. They haven't made it over yet.

This room would have been the center for the woman of the house.
Linens and other textiles stored here.

Look at the stud work on this door.

This villa had under floor heating. They don't use it often
It is difficult to run, uses lots of wood, and smokes...a lot.



The Romans loved their baths
The sides of the bath are painted with
replicas from Rome itself.

Opulent painted ceiling


I think about all of those SCA kitchens.
Chimneys haven't been invented yet. 

The kitchen was open, no doors.
See note above about chimneys.

Water bag

You will notice a lack of doors. They didn't use them much.
These outside walkways were the halls.

Does this look familiar?

Bailey, I could see this in  your encampment

This was the workspace for the big boss.
He would have been assigned from Rome. 

The whole villa is populated by volunteer reenactors.
No set up. 
They were 100% accurate in their dress, down to the shoes.
Ok glasses weren't period, but it keeps them from tripping on the displays. 

Did you notice the floors?
All are replicas of existing pieces. 


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